
i'm all better now

ok...ive thought about it for a little while and i think i have come to terms with being almost 40. in fact, i am more than ok with it. don't women hit their sexual peak in their 40's? that's definitely something to look forward to...and im still young enough to catch the tail end of the male sexual peak...so yeah, i think strictly from a biological standpoint, im alright with being somewhere in the middle.

now, a couple of days ago i told you i would introduce you to some of my favorite women of the blog world. i don't know these women in a we-have-sat-down-for-a-cup-of-coffee kind of way, but i know them in a it's-the-mundane-things-that-connect-us kind of way. they share all of the ups and downs that make their lives interesting and i read it like a novel with no end. i don't have children like most of them, i am not married like most of them, i don't live in utah *thank god!* or michigan or new york...i live in missouri. there is nothing that would seemingly make it necessary for me to take a front seat on their journey, but i do. and i thoroughly enjoy it. i appreciate their honesty, insight, and candor when it comes to things that i have no frame of reference for. i am going to talk about them like i know them and further more like they know me. while, obviously, i do feel like i know them, they do not know me. i am a casual observer, a fan, a groupie if you will.

so...for your reading pleasure, i give you part one of The Queens of the Blog:

Dooce - heather's is the first blog i started reading. i found it after reading an article about her. she was the first person to be fired from her job for things she wrote in her journal. her humor and honesty are what got me hooked. she gives it all to you, nothing is off limits.

Meghan - meghan is so amusing. she talks about her suburban life like it is a game of cat and mouse, sometimes she is the cat, sometimes she is the mouse.

Sweetney - her updates are hilarious and her links are so interesting. i have learned much from her time spent looking around the wonder that is the world wide web.

that's all for today...i have manymany more that i want to share with everyone. i hope you all enjoy these women as much as i have.