
i didn't write about my trip to memphis, but oh i should have. i think i needed time to sober up, because let's face it, i drank more in memphis than i have in the two years proceeding memphis. i went for work with a motley crew of my co-workers. there were two hot, no, make that HOT guys, another that would be hot if he were about a foot taller, a girl who is for the most part a good friend of mine, a woman who has the worse fashion sense i have ever seen, and a woman who is roughly 55 years old. needless to say, it was an interesting trip. so many things to talk about....

1) i got lost as soon as i crossed the river into memphis and proceeded to stay that way until i crossed back over (by accident) into arkansas.

2) i drank copious amounts of alcohol, including but not limited to, something i can not pronounce, a literal bucket of goodness that had no ingredient listing on the side but made my feet have wings and my mouth have a motor, beer, shots of something else i can not pronounce, and a $7.00 long island that was about 4 ounces of liquid courage.

3) i lusted....no, make that LUSTED after one of said HOT boys in group. manymanymany things wrong with this. a) he is 19. b) i am his boss. c) he is 19. d) i may or may not have contributed to the ohsohot deliquency of said minor. e) he is so smart, hot, funny that i may have trouble not thinking about what happened in memphis for a long. long. long. time. oh yeah, did i mention that HE IS 19???

4) i learned a card trick. said hot boy taught it to me and lemme tell you, it freaks people out! it's a good one. i shall continue to bring out the party trick long past it's expiration date!

5) i learned that i *heart* the tennessee accent. i seriously do. it doesnt matter what they are saying, it's amazingly sexy. "you are hot", "would you like another drink?" "can you spare some change man?" all of it was amazingly sexy with that slow southern draw. i loveit loveit loveit. i want one of my very own.

totally off subject, but relevant to my life at the moment, TARA REID HAS AMAZINGLY HUGE BOOBS! oh. my. goodness. her chest is ridiculous. seriously out of control.